Friday, February 26, 2010

Electric Voting System

The article "The Voters Will Pay" in the nytimes is a great article for the people who do not want the Electric Voting System. It is also for the people who are on the fence about if they would or wouldn't like to go to an Electric Voting System. The author of the article is unknown so he doesn't have much credibility because nobody knows who he or she is. The argument in this article is trying to get people not to switch to the Electric Voting System. They use evidence from the 2000 presidential election when the state of Florida had a lot of uncounted votes which highlighted the deep flaws in the Electric Voting System. The article talks about good things why we shouldn't have an Electric Voting System by stating that some studies have already showed that the Electric Voting System is vulnerable to software glicthes, intentional vote theft or sabotage. Since the Electric Voting System would all be connect to one company it makes it that much more vulnerable. This article gives a good argument for the people who are going against the Electric Voting System. This is also a good argument to give people insight on why we shouldn't go the the Electric Voting System. It has good evidence and it states a lot of facts about the vulnerability of the Electric Voting System. This is would be an all-around great article if we knew who wrote it, that way we could know what party they are in and some more of their work to show how much we really can trust them but other than that this is a good argumentative article.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Louisiana Museum Stops Segragation

The difference between race is something America has always been dealing with. Trying its best for everybody of every race to see eye to eye. The Museum in Baton Rouge, Louisiana they are taking the next step. The article call "New Louisiana Museum Confronts Segregation" at ( talks about how the museum pays tribute to Grambling football coach Eddie Robinson who came to at that time a segregated Grambling school. The white crowd was very hostile just a couple of years before Mr. Robinson came to Grambling a black man was rape with a hot poker and then hung. Mr. Robinson turned the crowd to his side quickly as he had over 408 victories and sent more then 200 players to the pros. Now after the three year death of Mr. Robinson the place that once hated black people have used their money and made an entire museum on Mr. Robinson life and legacy. While America is not perfect and their is still some segregation going on, This museum is showing we are taking a step in the right direction.